GTT ’19 was epic! We had a great group and a great time on a fantastic journey. Along the way there was sunshine, a bit of hail, a lot of rain, a lot of mud, some snow, one broken sway…
Retro Ramble was born of a desire to have an event specific to the awesome vehicles of the 1980’s. Relic Run caters to those who have a fondness for 1970’s and earlier vehicles, but the 80’s and their particular strain…
National Parks are generally marked by boring roads, bland views, closed roads, prepared campsites not allowing fires, signs telling you what not to do, and east coast tourists on an “adventure”. So in other words, places to be avoided at…
After an enjoyable First Weekend at the Easter Jeep Safari I was eager to get back down to the area as soon as possible. Fortunately my good friend Kurt, of Cruiser Outfitters fame, and I were already planning to head…
Thank you Stephen for leading us out for a couple days in the desert! Your knowledge of the area made it a terrific learning experience for us! I think it’s safe to say that a very good time was had…
Saturday evening Micah, Kurt, Jakester and I met up at the Chevron in Lehi/Saratoga Springs/Wherever Sprawlburbia with the intention to blast out along the PET for the evening. After talking Micah out of buying some Swisher Sweets, we headed out…
I was fortunate enough to tag along with the Wasatch Cruisers for their annual Little Sahara Dunes run today. The Wasatch Cruisers always put on a top notch event, and this was no exception. A group of us met up…
One of the reasons I enjoy motorcycling is my view, the lack of a frame, or at least a frame that moves with my head, that of my full face helmet. Behind the wheel of my rig I’m dealing with…