What: Expedition Utah would like to invite you to join us for the first Quarterly Trail Ride of 2014! For this QTR we were inspired by the discussion about the rock houses found by Simpson Springs along the Pony Express Trail. We will be venturing out along the PET to see those structures, and numerous other interesting sites along the way. If you’ve never been along the PET in Utah, this is a great opportunity to see this historic trail. If you’re an old hand, we hope that we’ll have some new information for you along the way. Either way, in normal Expedition Utah fashion, we’ll have some good times and exciting conversations around the campfires.
When: Friday February 28th – Sunday March 2nd
Where: Meet at the intersection of HWY 36 and Pony Express Road north of Vernon [Map] at 7pm on Friday night. We will end our journey in Wendover on Sunday afternoon.
Who: Anyone and everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or someone just getting into exploring Utah’s backcountry and varied historical sites we encourage you to come out. If you are planning on coming please post up! This event is only open to Expedition Utah members and space is limited to 15 vehicles!
What to Bring: Normal camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, ect.). It will still be cold at night, so plan on that. Food for yourself and any passengers for the entire duration. Firewood! We all want to be warm at night, so if we can all bring some wood, we can have a nice fire each night.
If you are interested in going, head over to the forum and post up!
Hope to see everyone there!
What is Expedition Utah? Expedition Utah is a website and forum dedicated to vehicle assisted exploration of Utah’s beautiful and varied backcountry. We strive to provide a free online repository of information to help people plan their next adventures and a forum to let them discuss it with others who share their passion.