What: Expedition Utah would like to invite you to join us for our annual Freeze Your Tail Off event!
This will be the fifth year that we endure the sub zero temperatures and warm camaraderie around the fire at the world famous Sun Tunnels north east of Wendover, Utah! If you’ve been before, you know what a blast this trip is. If you haven’t, here is what to expect: one very cold, very fun night bundled up and huddled around the fire waiting for the sun to come up so you can catch a glimpse of the Winter Solstice Sun rising through the Sun Tunnels! After we all thaw out a bit and have some breakfast, we’ll then split up and either head home along the Transcontinental Railroad grade, or back down towards I-80 with a jaunt around the spectacular Silver Island Mountains.
When: Friday December 20th – Saturday December 21st
Where: Meet at the Sinclair gas station in Delle, UT [Map] at 6:00pm on Friday evening. From there we will head west to the Salt Flats Gas Station/Cafe just east of Wendover [Map]. This is our last stop for fuel before we head north to our camp site at the Sun Tunnels [Map].
Who: Anyone and everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or someone just getting into exploring Utah’s backcountry and varied historical sites we encourage you to come out. If you are planning on coming please RSVP on the forum space is limited and we expected all spots to be taken quickly this year.
What to Bring: Cold weather gear! This is not your normal camp out. Expect sub zero weather and lots of wind!
Firewood! We want to have a nice, big fire to keep us warm all night. If everyone going brings at least one bundle of wood, we should have plenty!
Camera! The sunrise is spectacular! As are the vistas along the TCRR and the Silver Island Mountains.
Hope to see everyone there!
What is Expedition Utah? Expedition Utah is a website and forum dedicated to vehicle assisted exploration of Utah’s beautiful and varied backcountry. We strive to provide a free online repository of information to help people plan their next adventures and a forum to let them discuss it with others who share their passion. Our monthly Summits are designed to move that experience off the computer and into the real world by highlighting aspects of Utah’s history by visiting museums, historic sites and joining other groups who share our passion in different ways.