The seventh annual Relic Run event combined with the second annual Retro Ramble for one groovy mega event of old iron and classic camping. The group revisited the Uinta mountians while base camping in the Murdock Basin area. Daily runs and events kept participants in the vintage spirit throughout the weekend. Another excellent year for Relic Run and Retro Ramble.

This year saw the Relic Run (1979 and older vehicles), and the Retro Ramble (1989 thru 1980 vehicles) gather together for a four day combined trip June 11th thru 14th. Our destination this year was a base camp at Murdock Basin in Utah’s Uinta Mountains with trail rides on Friday & Saturday and nightly activities in camp. Participants are required to operate in the spirit of 4×4 exploration in the era that their vehicle comes from. For the Relic Run, only 1970’s and older vehicles, only 1970’s and older camping gear, and only 1970’s and older route finding. Likewise for the 1980’s era Retro Ramble vehicles.
This is my first real trip report, so I apologize in advance. I am a person of images more than words.

I was fortunate enough for most of my family to be able to come along this year. Lisa my wife and I driving a 1967 Toyota FJ45LV, and my daughter Keiley and son Hunter in a 1979 Toyota FJ55.

Leaving from Ogden to meet up with the group in Kamas the weather looked to be a little daunting, with 2-3”of rain forecast for parts of Eastern Utah the night we left.

The group meeting up at the Murdock Basin turn-off.

Matt H.’s awesome FJ55

Setting up base camp at Murdock Basin.

Our first night at camp is traditionally hors d’oeuvre night, where everyone brings a period inspired snack to share with the group around the campfire.

Ants on a log

Friday morning dawned bright and sunny with the forecast rain having missed us.

We left camp Friday morning to explore the Uinta Mountains; destination the Duchesne Tunnel.

Waterfall from Little Deer Creek just before it enters the Duchesne River.

Micah embracing the cold.

Lunch stop next to the Duchesne River.

Back to camp for a leisurely afternoon of hanging out and story telling.

Friday night was our 70’s Era Pot Luck Dinner night, and we were fortunate enough to have many experienced outdoor chefs with us.
Dan doing prep work

Micah dutch oven master.

Pot Luck Dinner Cont…

Deep fireside conversation between new friends.

A fire in Dan’s Coleman stove was reason enough for Micah to get his shirt off again.

Show-and-Tell was up next with people showing off their coolest pieces of Relic Gear. Grampa’s tackle box, a Coleman Camp Oven, and a couple of Ronco Pocket Fishermen were some of the primo items passed around.

Matt H. organized a 35mm slide show comprised of highlights from the seven previous Relic Run events.

A morning drivers meeting around the campfire before heading out to Marshall Lake.

Lunch stop at Marshall Lake.

Fueling the camp fire, Scoutabout Style.

Saturday nights dinner was provided by our dutch oven masters Micah & Spence.

80’s era white elephant gift exchange brought out some great stuff. Some notable items were a book of Viking Poetry, a Carol King Album, Blade Runner movie on laser disk, and a number of vintage Swatch watches.

An epic competition of BB Gun marksmanship between the children of the 70’s and the new wavers of the 80’s took place, with the 70’s era Relic Runners standing triumphant in the end.

Kill shot

As dark started to set in, we watched a VHS video slide show of the previous years Retro Ramble highlights, followed by the 80’s era classic Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

I’d like to thank all those who’s hard work and planning go into this event each year, many of which don’t always make it on the trip due to calendar conflicts and other commitments. I really look forward to this event, it always turns out to be one of the most memorable and enjoyable trips that I go on. Cant wait ’til next year!

Photos by Mike Bradshaw
Click on the images below for a larger view

Responsible Recreation

Relic Run organizers, participants and sponsors believe in responsible recreation. We adhere to the principles of Tread Lightly, we respect our environment and we appreciate the unique opportunities of motorized recreation.