Northern Utah Ghost Town Tour

Dr. Stephen L. Carr is a ghost town legend in the Mountain West, particularly Utah where he authored the Historical Guide to Utah Ghost Towns following his popular Utah Ghost Rails book. His works quickly became the ultimate resource for Utah ghost town and rail road history aficionados and is still a fantastic resource for ghost town explorers and researchers to this day. Several ExpeditionUtah members were able to take a the equivalent of Ghost Town 101, taught by the charismatic Dr. Carr and hosted by the University of Utah Lifetime Learning Program. Early classes included class room lectures along with a one-day tour covering some of the best ghost town sites in Nothern Utah, a tour we strive to share with ghost town lovers. Sadly, Dr. Carr passed away in 2014, leaving a void throughout the ghost town community.

Richville (Benson Mill)


(Iosepa update: visit the Utah Ghost Town Project site report in Iosepa)


(Ajax update: Sadly the cellar and store structure posts can no longer been seen at the site. In the recent years an overzealous farmer dozed the stores depression level with the surrounding, these destroying all remnants of the sites rich history. A historical marker still designates the site and is worthy of a visit.


Camp Floyd

This tour can easily be competed in a Saturday, plan on 6-8 hours to adequately visit each site and absorb the sites and sounds. Barring any snowfall, the trip is possible year round in a passenger 2wd vehicle. The Benson Mill at Richville, Iosepa and the Camp Floyd State Park facilities are seasonal and you’re be advised to call ahead to verify hours and availability.