2024 brought a much more mild Freeze Your Tail Off, all but removing the Freeze from the event…
Most of us began in Snowville, with our meeting and assembly happening at the last chance for gas for a while. Gassed up and stocked up, we held a quick driver’s meeting then set course for Locomotive Springs – a historic stop on the Transcontinental Railroad. Search the forum for more info on this cool place and the history there!
We wandered around the ruins and rail cars still standing, then cruised north to the Russian Settlement from the late early 1900’s.
There isn’t much left for ruins at the Russian Settlement, but there are 2 grave stones surrounded by a fence, and a few rock foundations scattered throughout the area around Russian Knoll. More info on the history of this place is found here: https://expeditionutah.com/forum/index.php?threads/ghost-town-russian-settlement.6395/
If you want to find out more about Freeze Your Tail Off or other awesome things the people of Expedition Utah do, check out our Forum: https://expeditionutah.com/forum/. The full Trip report can be found here: https://expeditionutah.com/forum/index.php?threads/2024-fyto-without-much-f.8237/