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Site: Dividend, Utah
County, State: Utah, Utah
Years of Occupation: 1907-1949
Status of Site: Open
Classification: Class 2 - Neglected Town
Type: Mining
Remnants: Broken down buildings, remnants of equipment, foundations, open shaft
GPS Coordinates: 39.955684 -112.061942
NRHP Reference #: N/A
Date of Last Visit: 11/26/2016
The mining town of Dividend grew up around the nearby Standard Mine. The town got its name from the practice of paying miners in stock during lean times. Those who held on to their shares were rewarded when a sulphide deposit was found 1200 feet below the surface. The mine paid out $19 million in dividends before closing in 1949. The mill on the hillside east of Goshen was built to process ore from the Standard Mine but only operated between 1919 and 1924.
By 1920, the town got its official name. At that time, the company town had several boarding houses, private homes, offices, a schoolhouse, store, barbershop, amusement hall, pool hall, men's clulb, post office and hotel. The town even had a golf course and rifle range. It was one of the earliest towns to have indoor plumbing.
Currently, the site is littered with broken down buildings and foundations. There are many foundations and interesting sites above and below the main road accessing the site. Many hours could be spent exploring the hillside and valley below for interesting artifacts. Be respectful to avoid the current mining operation nearby and obey all signage in the area.
Further Reading:
The Historical Guide to Utah Ghost Towns by Dr Stephen Carr
Directions to Get There:
From the eastern city limit of Eureka, 3.2 miles east on Highway 6 is the turn
for the old Dividend Road. Follow the road .7 miles to the site. The road
also continues and connects with Highway 6 again, approximately 5.5 miles east of the Eureka city limit.
Modern Pictures:
County, State: Utah, Utah
Years of Occupation: 1907-1949
Status of Site: Open
Classification: Class 2 - Neglected Town
Type: Mining
Remnants: Broken down buildings, remnants of equipment, foundations, open shaft
GPS Coordinates: 39.955684 -112.061942
NRHP Reference #: N/A
Date of Last Visit: 11/26/2016
The mining town of Dividend grew up around the nearby Standard Mine. The town got its name from the practice of paying miners in stock during lean times. Those who held on to their shares were rewarded when a sulphide deposit was found 1200 feet below the surface. The mine paid out $19 million in dividends before closing in 1949. The mill on the hillside east of Goshen was built to process ore from the Standard Mine but only operated between 1919 and 1924.
By 1920, the town got its official name. At that time, the company town had several boarding houses, private homes, offices, a schoolhouse, store, barbershop, amusement hall, pool hall, men's clulb, post office and hotel. The town even had a golf course and rifle range. It was one of the earliest towns to have indoor plumbing.
Currently, the site is littered with broken down buildings and foundations. There are many foundations and interesting sites above and below the main road accessing the site. Many hours could be spent exploring the hillside and valley below for interesting artifacts. Be respectful to avoid the current mining operation nearby and obey all signage in the area.
Further Reading:
The Historical Guide to Utah Ghost Towns by Dr Stephen Carr
Directions to Get There:
From the eastern city limit of Eureka, 3.2 miles east on Highway 6 is the turn
for the old Dividend Road. Follow the road .7 miles to the site. The road
also continues and connects with Highway 6 again, approximately 5.5 miles east of the Eureka city limit.
Modern Pictures:
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